Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Morning Run and A Brownie For Breakfast!

Yes, on Wednesday I had a brownie for breakfast.
Before you question my morals, let me tell you that this was not an ordinary brownie.
This was a Quest Protein Bar Chocolately Brownie...
That's a mouthful, ironic because my mouth was full when I gobbled this thing down (I've got jokes for days yall!)
My morning started off with this adorable apple on my way to my 7:30AM jogging class.
Have you ever seen a cuter apple?
 It's perfect!
Thank you Trader Joe's I knew I loved you for a reason!  
Today's workout was a 2.7 mile run!
After the run I headed home! With Spring Break just ending and having 2 tests, 2 days in a row I was exhausted. When I got home I wanted to try something new with one of my Quest Bars.
Along with my pretty little apple this morning I had half of the Chocolate Brownie flavor bar. I ate it right out of the package, which is amazing, but according to other bloggers you haven't lived unless you try a Quest Bar in the microwave or the oven.. I tried one in the oven over Easter weekend and wanted to try a quicker way. AKA microwave it!
I threw the other half of the bar in the microwave for 20 seconds! When I pulled that puppy out it had expanded into a warm, fluffy BROWNIE.
This is what it looked like right out of the microwave.
And this is the deliciousness that it was when I bit into it.
Seriously, I highly recommend doing this.
I think it would be equally as delicious with any other type of Quest Bar! I know after eating this I was definitely #OnAQuest
This wonderful breakfast brownie packs the punch with its nutrition!
Nutrition for half of bar:
85 Calories, 12g Carbs , 3g Fat, 10g Protein
Have a fit + fantastic day everybody!

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